The Power of Gut Health

How small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in health.

Teaching You To Help Yourself

The word doctor literally means “teacher”. That is why we are here!
To teach you how your gut plays a vital role in your health and why imbalances in the gut can have such major effects on the rest of your body and create so many health issues from allergies, to autoimmune, depression, hormone imbalance, skin issues…you name it – they all have a direct connection to the gut!
We are also here to teach you the natural solutions that Dr. Springer has successfully used on thousands of patients to help them address the CAUSE and resolve their chronic health issues and say goodbye to their reliance on Big Pharma!
In short, we are here to help you transform your health!

Our Mission

To broadly expand awareness that there are viable, natural options to truly address the CAUSE (gut) of chronic health issues to not only go beyond life-long, pharmaceutical management of symptoms but also to regain vibrant energy and healthy longevity.

My Journey through Unexpected Challenges

When I was 13 years old, my left knee swelled to three times its normal size putting an end to baseball and all the things I loved to do at that age.
At first, the doctors were a bit baffled where this knee issue was coming from and gave me anti- inflammatory meds that helped the swelling.
But I soon developed a raft of other problems – abdominal cramps, intestinal bleeding, fevers, anemia, and fatigue. Turns out, the knee problem had been driven by inflammation that was quietly smoldering in the gut.

From Bad To Worse

Over the next few years, new regimens replaced old as a parade of doctors added their treatment of my symptoms until, eventually, my condition exploded into a full-blown nightmare with a perforamted bowel, requiring surgery.
That is when my life changed course: I realized the doctors had spent 10 years treating my symptoms but never truly addressed the underlying CAUSE of my problem and is why it got progressively worse.

I left the corporate world to become a doctor to find a better solution for myself. Little did I know it would lead me into helping thousands of others RESOLVE their chronic illness by following one guiding principle:





Dr. George E. Springer, Jr.


Dr. Springer has practiced alternative medicine for over 40 years. For the majority of his career, he has concentrated on the treatment and resolution of persistent chronic disease. He received his undergraduate BA from the University of Missouri and his Doctor of Chiropractic from Logan University in St. Louis, graduating magna cum laude. He went on to receive a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD) degree from the American Naturopathic Medical Institute, a division of Breyer State University in Los Angeles, CA. He is Board Certified in clinical nutrition (DCBCN) and has completed extensive postgraduate studies in alternative clinical approaches for restoring and maintaining optimum health. Dr. Springer is a past Associate Professor of Endocrinology and Gastroenterology and a past member of the postgraduate faculty of Logan University, where he delivered continuing education programs to other practicing physicians.

Susan Bucci, CCP, CECP


Susan was drawn to pursue a path of healing after an earlier career as a court stenographer and legal assistant. She began to study nursing, but then made the difficult decision to leave that field because of her increasing belief in the benefits of alternative and natural forms of healthcare. Dr. Springer trained her in his individualized approach to wellness, and she now plays an integral role in his practice by applying the Food Response Desensitization protocol to eliminate patients’ food allergies. As a Certified Lifestyle and Energy Coach Practitioner (CCP) (CECP), Susan derives great joy in sharing Dr. Springer’s protocols and, equally important, using her own acquired tools to improve an individual’s health dynamic.

The Gut Connection Reveals the Root Cause of Chronic Health Issues – Discover How to Heal Yourself!

So many times, for so many patients, regardless of their presenting condition, that search for the CAUSE led me to the GUT!
Now, you have a well-worn path you can confidently follow to heal yourself!
The Gut Connection, literally, connects the dots between how imbalances in the gut are the true, underlying CAUSE of such a wide variety of chronic health issues – including yours!
The Gut Connection® and Dr. George Springer’s Proven Roadmap to Lasting Gut Health, Wellness, and Vitality.

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